The Tai Chi Illustrated Workbook:


NOTE: This special offer of Book(s) and course can be ordered as a paperback bundle here or an ebook (digital) bundle here.

If you are wanting to learn about Tai Chi, but have not been inspired by the manuals and books you have seen to date, then the Tai Chi Illustrated Workbook may be what you need. This unique paperback, with free online course, offers a fresh introduction to the art of Tai Chi by presenting over 200 pages of interactive elements, beautiful illustrations, and comprehensive content that will delight everyone from beginners to veteran practitioners. But there even more reasons to try Tai Chi in a 21st Century way:

How often do we read what we need to do, but are left without the inspiration to do it? This big book on learning the art, answers that problem in two ways.

  1. Unlike any other book on Tai Chi, you will be enthused to learn and practice through challenges, quizzes, exercises, motivational stories and inspirational quotes.

  2. You will learn as an individual. Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, this workbook presents exercises and instructions that revolve around you. It empowers you to make choices based on your preferred learning methods. By delving into the workbook's content, you'll uncover how you learn best and discover the most effective ways to progress in the art of Tai Chi.

1. Personalised Learning: Unleash Your Potential

2. Interactive: Learn, Apply, and Enjoy

This workbook is not merely a passive reading experience. It invites you to actively participate in your Tai Chi journey. You can fill out charts and forms, refer to comparison tables, complete quizzes, and explore the various aspects of Tai Chi. Moreover, the workbook introduces a practical and meditative approach to employing Tai Chi principles into your everyday life. 

3. Visual: Embrace the Power of Illustrations

As the name suggests, the Tai Chi Illustrated Workbook is a treasure trove of visual delight. The workbook features over 100 hand-drawn and inked sketches carefully integrated alongside articles, exercises, and thought-provoking quotes. These fluid sketches captivate your attention, aid in memorisation, enhance content absorption and will help to reinforce the information presented. And, it’s big. It’s an A4 Wire-bound chunky paperback that, though floppy, will comfortably yield to your Tai Chi needs.

“"This is the most beautiful, well-formulated, and helpful approach to LEARNING Tai Chi that I have ever seen."

William Martin (Author of The Sages Tao Te Ching)

Why Choose the Tai Chi Illustrated Workbook?

The Illustrated Workbook is interactive from the very start. As you engage with the book you will be drawn into to the content by the illustrations, layout and presentation of stories, facts and details. Read it on any device. Take notes. Fill in the sections 

  • Comparison tables between styles and different practices

  • Checklists to remind you of the essential points

  • Quizzes to test you on how well you have understood the themes

  • True or False Checks

  • QR codes throughout for immediate examples and suggestions for more training

  • And step-by step exercises to get you moving and starting Tai Chi

Table comparison between approaches to learning tai chi

How to Utilise the Workbook: A Roadmap to learning the art

The 200 page Tai Chi Illustrated Workbook is organised into four sections, each offering a unique perspective on Tai Chi: 

  • Part 1: Fundamental Questions on the art.

  • Part 2: The exercises.

  • Part 3: How to put the ideas and the practice together

  • Part 4: Resources, links to video explanations, audio, articles and more.

Paul has filtered out all the aspects that beginning students find overwhelming and focused on what is important, beneficial and at the foundation of all styles .

Beginners will find it extremely beneficial, but even us rusty old lifers can find nuggets of inspiration and wisdom here.

Rodney Owen (Tai Chi Player)


Completing the Tai Chi Illustrated Workbook won't instantly transform you into a Tai Chi expert, but it will provide a solid foundation.

Armed with the knowledge and insights gained from this workbook, you'll be equipped to begin your practice at home, and embark on your Tai Chi journey today with confidence and enthusiasm.